Eye O’Clock_D(Coming Soon)
Eye-based AI Diagnosis Solution for NCDs

A diagnostic solution that shows the probability that a patient already has a specific disease at the time 

and the probability that a patient will have a specific disease in the future 

by taking a picture of the patient’s eye image and analyzing the image through the trained artificial intelligence

Purchase of Eye O'Clock_Camera is required to use this solution.

* This solution cannot be used by the camera built into a smartphone.

Provides Iris Analysis Result regarding a specific disease

- Based on the primary symptoms and the symptoms shown when there is a disease, Eye O’Clock_D provides the probability 

that a patient already has a specific disease at the time and the probability that a patients will have a specific disease in the future

 - Medical experts provide final diagnosis and prescriptions and treatments based on the iris analysis result (Telemedicine)

Reasonable Price 

Reduce the cost of diagnosis with 

a single camera purchase, unlike other companies which requires a kit or special medical equipment for each diagnosis


Allows users to get healthcare just by taking a picture of the eye without blood extraction, thereby eliminating users' mental anxiety and hygienic issues

Telemedicine Ready 

Able to get a diagnosis and connect to 

the medical experts conveniently 

regardless of place and time

High Accuracy 

Diagnosis of multiple diseases at once and cross-validation of diseases allows

higher accuracy than other diagnosis systems



Management of High-risk Patients


Pharmaceutical Company and Medical R&D Center

Develop Customized Medicine

 R&D of New Prescription

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